Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Is the "good doctor" in?

Why, he certainly is. "But doc... ", you might ask. "Why no updates for the past month?" Well, its only because I've been having a few technical difficulties with my computer. In the past month I've had everything from my hard-drives crashing, to my motherboard and CPU over-heating. I've fixed the first 2 problems by replacing my hard-drive and fixing the overheating motherboard by opening and cleaning all the components on the motherboard which lead me to creating another problem. When I took my CPU heat-sink out to clean it, I broke off 1 of the connecting points. Now my CPU heat-sink doesn't sit correctly and my CPU is over-heating to some freaky extreme temperatures! Like, 73 degrees Celsius!

So yes, its been difficult. Also, I'll be moving to my new house this weekend so I've got a lot of things that I'd be doing for the move. With all the packing and cleaning, I have no idea when I'll be able to write a new post. But rest assured, it will be soon...

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